How to go from calories to food. First, macronutrients

Knowing how many calories to eat is great. How do I get from that to the food? Let’s start figuring that out! Welcome back to a Nourishing Pursuit. Last time I went over a method to calculate your maintenance calories. From that, you can determine how many calories needed to gain or lose weight. To […]

Hypertrophy 1 Meso, Week 1, Day 5

Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for more weekly content. The first week of the new program went pretty well. I experienced DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) for the first time in quite awhile. This is mainly due to how the volume of the new program is divided. It is about the same volume as […]

Hypertrophy 1 Meso, Week 1, Day 3

Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for more weekly content. I had to get a little creative today as my Marcy Home Gym Cage System didn’t come with an attachment to hold you down when using the overhead pulley for pulldowns. I made my own using a 5 foot long piece of wood. […]

Hypertrophy 1 Meso, Week 1, Day 1

First day of the new training block. This is the Renaissance Periodization Male Physique Template with a chest and back focus with a frequency of 5 days per week. Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for more weekly content. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

How to calculate your maintenance calories

Ok, so I’m kicking off a new program AND doing a massing phase? How much do I get to eat?!? Let’s figure it out! Friday’s workout finished off a deload week, ending my current macrocycle. In my case, deloads are a preplanned week of lower volume and intensity. The first half of the week sees […]